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FRC Team #2655
The Flying Platypi

A platypus is a unique animal: with its duck bill, barbed tail, and webbed feet, it truly fits no mold. Team 2655 The Flying Platypi is a fully-functional, community based, student-led veteran FRC team that doesn’t fit a mold either. Our team, open to high school students throughout the Triad, seeks to give back and share our enthusiasm for robotics with others. In addition to spreading STEAM in our own community, The Platypi have soared to Raleigh, Washington DC, Mexico, India, Panama, and the Philippines to expand opportunities to students in underserved communities. Learn more about us here.


FIRST Robotics is a mentor based program for students of all ages created to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders. FIRST builds science, engineering, and technology skills that inspire innovation and foster well-rounded life skills such as self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

There are FIRST programs for all ages K-12 grade. Each program is specifically made to get kids interested and exited about STEM.

 Our team is a part of the highest program in FIRST, the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), grades 9-12. We have 6 weeks to design, build, and program a robot. Then we get to face off with other teams in competition. Not only do we get to learn about STEM and robotics, but we also learn about fundraising, marketing, and business skills. Learn more about FIRST here.